Sunday, July 24, 2011

My OLD blooger Stuff

Heart bursting,
walking slowlY,
Can't breathe,
but LovE this feelinG.
No Quesses No StoppinG,
Just Keep Going,
But Stop Think,
God I Love You
I Love This Feeling,
Please, PLZ, Please
Keep It GoinG....

I Believe....

Birth Certificate shows that we were born.
A Death Certificate shows that we died.
Our life represents what we do between those two dashes of time on our headstones!
Have a seat . . . Relax . . . And read this slowly.

I Believe...
That just because two people argue,
doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I Believe...
That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I Believe...
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love.
I Believe...
That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I Believe...
That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

My Heart Feels
As If, It Is Going
To Burst
As If God Has Given Me
This Great Thing
And I'm Still Waiting
For His Plan
For Me,
And His Plan For The Other In
My Life.
So, All I Can Do Right Now Is
Wait For Him,
Wait For What He H
as For Me.
And Wait,
While I Don't Take Any Action.
For My Heart,
Is On The

Friday, July 22, 2011

Alrighty so I haven't been on lately and I wanted to talk about the Re:Lease 2011 Mission Trip. Last Wednesday was the Training Day, and Thursday, Friday, and the Saturday were the actual mission days. R:2011 had three teams. I was a Student Leader in group 3. I was thinking ok I', only going to be here as a leader and have to sit back, and may not have all the fun as I did last year, of actually being a student. That wasn't the case at all! God had me be a leader in my team to keep things moving, and also encourage the team I was in, as well as, the kids from the YMCA and Hola. Everything was so amzing.

For starters, when we arrived at Fair Port Harbor Beach on Thursday we just played with the kids, got to know them, what they liked to do, so we could form a solid trust between us and them. Also, I got to learn how to ACTUALLY PLAY FOOTBALL! ^_^  It was a lot of fun and really cool.  After we just spent time with the kids, we then gathered them all together and I explained the signs for the songs, so that they would learn them better. Also, these songs weren't just any songs, they're verses right from the Bible. :) The amazing part about them is that I had to use them this week, to help with my stuff I was going through. You get so excited, well I know that I get so excited when I learn something new or remember something. Anyways to get back on track and not ramble into a whole nother thing. Hehehe (my laughing is getting picked up again) :)

1.) Eternal Love:
                         For God, so loved the world that He gave His 1 and Only Son, that whomever believes in
                         Him, shall not perish but ever lasting life.         *John 3:16*
2.) Take Heart:
                      I have told you these things, so that you may have Peace. In this world, you will have
                      trouble. But, Take HEART I have overcome the World.           *John 16:33*
3.) Treasure:
                   Store up for yourself treasures in Heaven, Where moth and rust do not destroy, where thieves
                   do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there your Heart will be also.
                                   *Matthew 6:20-21*

So these songs, that we sung ARE the TRUTH, we didn't just make them up for some amusement, they are from the Bible, from our map, the Love Letter that God has given to us. The Everlasting Truth.

After we had Worship Time, we had the kids sit down and set up the play, while I passed out Bible Versus for the kids. If they memorized each Bible verse they would receive 2 Raffle Tickets for the Carnival that we put on fro them on Saturday. Bible Versus which we also made signs for, which seemed to really help the kids remember and helped those who couldn't yet read, are:
1.) Jeremiah 29:13:
                             When you seek me is where you'll find me, when you seek me with all of your heart.
2.) Psalm 119: 11: I have hidden your Word in my heart, so that I will not sin against you.

Then we went and did our plays and shared he Evangecard, like I showed in my earlier post as you call it in Training. Everything was really awesome an the hearts we changed and the seeds were planed is something I'm remembering everyday. <3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Re: lease 2011 is an opportunity for students to unite to bring the love of Jesus outside the church.

         Today was our 1st day of Re:lease where we met up with people we meet least year, and connecting with those who have come to this mission trip for the 1st time. We stated with Worship and Prayer, that just opened up our hearts for the day that was was lahead of us. We then had Icebreaker games into getting to know the other students that would be with us the rest of the week. Starting out with with finding a person you didn't know, learning their name, and what is their favorite ice cream flavor, as well as, saying HHOOOWWDDIIEEEE (very dramatically) too. =]. The 2nd person you had to learn their name and swing dance with, 3rd: Create a SECRET details on that, or else it wouldn't be a secret anymore. 4th:  had to give 2 Side Bumps which was funny to me because i had to do that with Wade, and all my other partners were girls. loll, 5th: You had to high 5 the person. So I met Linda, Leah, Paytan, Wade, and Hannah.


   This year we have the Evangecard, which is just the same share of the Gospel, just like the cube last year, but this time on a foldabale card.

On the right is the Light. Which represents God, our Holy Father, who "In the beginning created the Heavens and the Earth" -Genesis 1:1.  1 John 1:5 Says: "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is Light; in him there is no darkness at all. And on the Left: Is Man who choose to SIN which caused a separation from God.  Romans 3:23 says, "For everyone has sinned; and we all fall short of God's glorious standard." Which then ended that relationship that created us to have in fellowship with Him. BUT.....

2.) JESUS: God's Son the One who took EVERYTHING upon himself, every pain, every sin, EVERYTHING to pay for our price of death. He died, so we wouldn't have to, so we could restore our relationship that was broken by sin.  Romans 5:8, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Also, John 3:16, "For God so the LOVED the world that he GAVE his 1 and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
3.)  Jesus was BURIED' and God RAISED Jesus from the Grave, from Death, to walk with Him.
1 Corinthians 15: 3-4: "I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for OUR (not just mine, but yours as well) just as Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the 3rd day, just as Scripture said.
4.) Jesus is the ONLY way to God. He's the bridge that connects us to God, like I was talking about before. Sometimes people think, "I'm a Christian because I go to church, because I sing Christian music, because I'm a good person, or I pray." Which in truth that is good if you do that, BUT if you don't accept Jesus, you aren't connected to God.  Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one can come to the Father except through me." - John 14:6-
5.) BELIEVE in Jesus as your Savior.  Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Which means you will go to Heaven when you die, and not separated from God.  It also warns those (even though I can't find the verse right now, but I'm looking for it, and will then find it and put it here when I do) that if we do not accept Christ, we are not in relationship with God, and further when we die, reside in Hell. :( All you have to do is BELIEVE.
           Of course we had to have lunch and a break of playing the wonderful game of Ninja, and just enjoying fellowship with other students there that are believers as well, of others who weren't exactly and still unsure about the Truth. Which doesn't mean you're treated any different, we all showed the Love of God. We are His hands and feet, since His spirit resides in our hearts. :) So we then had our time of learning our songs and drama plays that we will use to minister to the kids for the rest of the week. Which I especially like the Songs, because anyone who knows me, is that i Love lOve loVe lovE LOVE to sing, and love kids. :)  (LOVE YOU STAR, the best baby in Heaven.) Our Songs are Eternal Life, Take Heart, and Treasure.
    Later in the day after we re taught everything we found out what groups we are in and practice all together. It was a little different experience for me, because this year I'm a Leaderm yet also at the same time still active in the group as a student. 
We then ended our day the began it with Worship and Prayer. :) Also, recieved our sweet T-Shirts that we will wear everyday, and also wash at the end of each day to have for the next.
   CONCLUSION: God is AMAZING, and this day was just so WONDERFUL as well. =]

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bridges it's been a couple rough days for me honestly. Especially on the relationships. It's funny how sometimes you hear something in the past, and think what ever, this doesn't pertain to me, but now I've come to a point where it does.

Every relationship is  bridge. Where two people at opposite ends come together and meet in the middle and connect in a way that can't be explained. I'm not just talking about boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships, I'm talking about family, friends, husbands and wives. Which the husbands and wives make me think of the movie FIREPROOF, but that's a whole different subject I could get into, but don't have the time for at the moment.

RULE #3: Choose your relationships CAREFULLY, while you guard your heart. 

So I'm finding myself on this bridge and without God, it isn't coming together. :( I'm a little sad about this, but it's made me realize where my heart belongs. That's in God's Hands and to be guarded that way and He'll lead me to the bridge of another in His plan for me. Someone who's going to respect my faith. God makes it clear (I don't know where at the top of my head) but if you're not with someone else who has a Christ like mind. They will bring you down.

So what does this mean?
Answer: I will not be in a relationship with a guy/man unless God's at the center of his heart as well.  Just like Jesus is the Bridge that connects us to the Father, to God. God is the Bridge for Me and whomever I'm suppose to be with. I know and truely believe He's guiding me towards him again.

Also, I've wanted to share some music videos of my favorite songs.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Bonjour.Salut =]
That's always what I usually say sometimes.

Especially when you have an Ember Pond, or that's what I call it at least. Which leads to *DRUM ROLL*
RULE #2: Family time is important.

It's a tradition I guess sorta say that my mom has always done, and I got to be apart of last night. The tradition is waiting till every last part of the fire goes out from the very beginning to the end.
It was pretty cool, all 5 of us just in the back with Charlie. Bub not eating marshmallows in his s'mores because he's too worried about cleaning his braces out. While, I have braces and don't care one bit. I do not miss out on a chance of enjoying oooooooooeeeeeeyyyyyy goooooooeeeeeeyyyy s'mores. AKA: YUMMINESS!!  
 I think that's just terrible to do so. Anyways, the fire was sweet until mom wanted to add a log to it and it all fell apart, and we all just scolded, (is that the right word?) right at her. So while they fixed it I got to watch my stars. =]

As time went on, dad went, then Bub, and then Shi. Me and Mom, ( haha not Mom and I, gawk: proper English) stayed out there to watch the fire. And so it became the ember pond of having everything burn down and it was so pretty in my opinion. To have the center still lightly burning along with the embers or memories around it from the night.
Another fun aspect of it is that I found a stick that looked like it had a finger on it and took the wax from the candle pot and but it in the middle of our so called pond and it began to flame up again. Little moments like that make me laugh and feel so proud of myself.  Just watching the fire dance was sweet in it's own little way. I know for me it was like watching something beautiful and creating a memory that you wont forget. Plus the pictures I took of it. It's cool to think, it's gunna happen again tonight. '

If you think of it, the Embers of the fire is a small light. A light that doesn't give up even though it's separated from what it started out to be, or once was, it's still beautifully simple in its own way.

Well if my words made sense to you...coolios; and if not well I'm sorry.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Start

Hi.Hello.Hey There =]

I think that's how I usually start off some kind of convo or conversation of mine. Choose what ever words you want to read, listen in your head to, or choose not to as well. Let's see my grammar and proper English? there such a thing for me. Am I talking, or saying empty words? To a space of time or computerized availability? do I know what I'm saying? Sometimes, yes, I do.  So what's with the Blog, being apart of the Blogger World? Answer: I'm not exactly sure. I know I had one before, yet I can't remember anything to log onto it. which is quiet funny to me. so LOLL ??I guess. =]
Hmmmmmm....what else to say but.....a simple view last words...
  Rule #1:

I don't know how this affects you, but sometimes my words have different meanings for whomever reads or listens to them. Or you could be like my friends and use my words, and focuses them right back at me.
Well.. au voir for now that is.